Field trip

  • Well it has been a while since I updated. I have been analysing the data from the detached leaves experiment and preparing to start another replication of that experiment.
  • This week I went to a nursery near Portland where they have had an infestation of P. ramorum and are under federal quarantine. We collected samples to bring back to the lab for further study.
  • I have had midterm exams these past two weeks and I am a bit swamped with homework so the research is going slowly at the moment.
  • I presented a little summary of what I am doing at one of our lab meetings recently.
  • I also received that last of the leaf wetness sensors in the mail which I had been waiting for and I wired them all up so they are almost ready to go. Then I can get all this equipment out of the office and start using it!
  • I had great success with the sterile pond water method for inducing sporangia production and below are some microscopy photos up of the structures I have in my cultures. I'm still getting to grips with the microscope camera and software so the aren't very good yet.
    above - sporangia - what I have been looking for for a long time!

    Above an oospore

    Above - sporangia

    Above - oospores

    Above - oospore, antheridum (for fertilisation) visible as knob on side of oospore