Frustration and Potential

I am finding it difficult to obtain the plants I need in sufficient quantities. In the past I have worked with hops which are incredibly easy to cultivate from cuttings and grow very quickly. I also have worked with E. coli which equally is easy to grow and potentially give you answers overnight. Now I am getting used to working with Rhododendrons and Oomycetes and everything is a lot slower. I feel like I have been here almost a year and I'm only just ready to begin my first field experiment and I still don't have the plants I need and I want to begin in July. I really don't want to push this back another season to the Fall.

On the more positive side I have been given the opportunity to do some additional work to supplement a colleague's data working with P. ramorum. This will be exciting for me as I will gain experience working in containment with this pathogen. But yet again I am in need of additional plants of specific cultivars and of a certain size and it is difficult to find nurseries who can supply me with the numbers I need in the short time frame that I have.