
While last week turned out to be rather unproductive on the research front due to midterm exams, this week has been jam packed. I have been in the office/lab most of the time and I've started to play around with the brand new weather station equipment, it's all here set up in my office and I've been wiring different sensors into the data logger and I'm learning to program the software to instruct the data logger on how to collect and manipulate the signals into data. I also went through my cultures with Virginia yesterday and they are all going really well, they are growing fast and there were sporangia on one of the species, chlaymidospores on one, and lots of oospores on two of the Phytophthora spp so that is encouraging. I now need to come up with some strategies for continuing with these isolates and a rough experimental design so that I can start to do something with them. I have a meeting with Walt and Nik tomorrow to talk about the weather stations and plan the experiment in more detail.

1 comment:

Peter E said...

If you're not letting the Phytopthera out of your lab why do you need to use the weather logging equipment? Have I missed something?