end of term

Wow, things have been busy lately, I have gone from weekly posts to barely monthly. It's the end of term and I've finished my final exams. I only took two classes and I got an A in environmental physiology of plants which was an easy class, actually it was a lot more basic than I was hoping but any way the grade will do my record good. I also took another statistics class, and I haven't got the results for that yet, but the final went really badly and I didn't enjoy the class at all so that will not be such a good grade I am sure. Anyway I got through it and now I am moving on to next term when I shall be taking plant disease dynamics which promises to be interesting and challenging, and also design and analysis of planned experiments which is another stats class but I hope it will be better than the last. In the summer I will be taking plant disease diagnosis which should be another interesting and useful class.

Now it is spring break next week and I shall take a 3 day weekend for easter and a rest and then I'll use the week with no classes to make some progress towards starting the experiments at the farm.

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