
Above are my first male and female betta fish or siamese fighting fish, unfortunately the male died soon after I got him and I replaced him with a new one and also replaced the female for fear that she too was sick with the same problem which killed the male. I got an almost Identical pair and tried to mate them but I couldn't get them to do it, the male would make a bubble nest but then they didn't ever put eggs in it. In the end the female died, I don't know what of, I know the water chemistry is fine and I'm feeding them bloodworms which they love. Anyway I am bored with Bettas, they are not that interesting and have to be kept in separate bowls which is annoying. Below is my original male.
This is my newer male who I still have. There is also a trap door snail in here too on the bottom. He slides around the glass keeping it clean!
In a larger bowl I have 2 red capped gold fish and a black moor fish with bulging eyes (see bottom photo):

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