back to the research

Well it's a new term and I'm not taking any classes and I'm not teaching so I can devote all my time to my research and it's the perfect time for it as I am having my first committee meeting this term and I will give my research proposal seminar at the start of next term too so I will have plenty of time to prepare fully for those two events.

I have finally got my committee members together and set a date so I need to prepare a summary of my research proposal for them and get my program of study signed off by them. I am gearing up to set up another farm experiment with a slightly different foliar inoculation method and I'm making plans for a lot of other little experiments to supplement the main project.

Yesterday I spent the day helping Kim take down her soil inoculation experiment in the growth chamber and although her experiment didn't go as planned it was a good experience for me as I will need to follow a similar method when I take down my farm experiment. There are definately some lessons to be learnt from these initial runs of the soil inoculation and this might mean tweaking my experimental design for my field experiments a little. We'll see.

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