
this first photo (above) shows my plants in the midst of the inoculation process
the second picture (below) shows the different growth morphologies of three isolates from the same species, it's difficult to see in the picture how dramatic the differences are, but if you click on it the picture will enlarge and you can see that the left plate is a faster growing flat isolates and the right plate is slower growing and the top and right plates have a raised fluffy morphology.
This last picture (below) shows my little plants outside post inoculation, they look like little Christmas trees with all those colourful clips, but sadly they are just waiting to die.

Today I inoculated 9 plants with my Phytophthora spp as another practice run before the field experiments begin. I tried two different methods; zoospores and agar, to see which works best and to determine whether it really matters which method I use. Here are a few photos of the inoculuation in progress.

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